2018 Goldendoodle Puppy Reservations
That’s right. No typo in the title. The 2018 puppy reservations list is already filling up!
With four breeding females, Genevieve, Kuechly, Chloe and Lucy, we anticipate adorable red & apricot mini Goldendoodle and medium Goldendoodle puppies all year long! So, to help organize our new puppy families, we have created a master reservation list.

Benefits of a Master Puppy Waiting Last
With two master lists - one for mini goldendoodles and another for medium-sized goldendoodles - our families earn two main benefits:
Select the puppy mom you prefer
Receive first right of refusal based on gender / color /etc.
For example, let's say your family is the 7th name on the master list. The current litter has 8 puppies and the six names on the list select six of the eight puppies. It comes to your choice, but there are only two little girl puppies left. You had your heart set on a little boy Goldendoodle. So, with a master list, you can choose to wait for the next litter causing your name to rise to the top. Then you receive your pick of the litter the next time around because you now hold the top spot on the list.
When do you retire a breeding female?
​Did you notice Bella’s name not mentioned as a breeding mom for 2018? Well, amidst a flood of requests for #BellaBabies, we are retiring Bella after her next litter in December. She has been an amazing momma to 44, F1-B Goldendoodle puppies already and we want to retire her with the dignity she deserves.

General standards exist for mandating when to stop breeding female dogs. Most kennel clubs require the mother to be under 8 years of age to register the pups, with the strictest standards being 5 years of age. Kennel clubs also limit the number of registered whelping litters allowed per female - ranging from 4 - 6 litters.
Age is another factor depending on the size of the breed. For smaller breeds, 5 years of age is the industry norm, where larger breeds may continue into age 6.
Most veterinarians advise retiring a dog after 4 litters. Just like with human babies, birthing and raising puppies is no easy feat! However, vets and breeders agree that dogs who have had complicated pregnancies should not be bred again (c-sections, stalled labors, still births, etc.).
Many breeders follow the signs from the mother. When they are nearing the end of their breeding life, their litters typically decrease in number. Watching the health and wellbeing of the mother between litters is a key to knowing when they should be retired.
At Doodles of NC, we take all of the research into consideration in making this tough decision. But, the ultimate deciding factor is the health and wellbeing of our mothers in determining if we should retire them early.
In Bella’s case, she has had 4 healthy pregnancies and shows no signs of slowing down! Her last litter was her largest of all with 11 precious, healthy red & apricot F1-B goldendoodle puppies.

While still a young mother, at just five years of age, Bella will enjoy the next years teaching other puppy moms how to care for their little ones, running around with our girls in the backyard, and snuggling up with us on the couch!
If you are contemplating adding a mini goldendoodle (15 - 30 pounds) or a medium goldendoodle (30 - 45 pounds) into your family during 2018, we highly recommend reserving your spot now!
The more time you have to plan for your puppy’s arrival, the smoother the transition home will be. Plus, the higher you are on the list, the more options you have in terms of color and gender of your little puppy blessing.
Hoping to have the honor of hand selecting a puppy for your family in 2018!